Sep 22Liked by Cara MariAnna

Cara, you're proving to be a remarkably good chronicler.

The quiet, understated, precise prose and blend of evident commitment with a sort of Taoist calm works beautifully.

Thank you.

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Sep 21Liked by Cara MariAnna

A quiet story of torture.

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I think you and forceOfHabit have it pretty close to right. It is as each of you observe... Thank you for your comment.

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Sep 21Liked by Cara MariAnna

Thank you for your story, and your work in Palestine. I don’t mean to suggest there is an exact parallel, but in a way I see Palestine as the site of a wound that affects the entire global system, and work done there is akin to treating the wound. I see the local resolution of the catastrophic events taking place in Palestine as in some way determining the prognosis for the world.

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Sep 21Liked by Cara MariAnna

Hmmm...or maybe also a hopeful story of human grace under extraordinary pressure.

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Lovely insight. Please see my reply to Susan Pagac. And thanks for reading and commenting. -C

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Absolutely. I have a way of focusing on the pain. But the beauty of this piece, of these experiences, of these people, of the way they are captured by the author is for me the way the pain and sorrow are so palpable. I don’t know if I’ve found the right words here to explain my reception of this story. For me it’s the warmth and tenderness and grace of the people in this story, _and_ of the story in which these qualities are relayed that highlight these Palestinians’ “quiet” torture. And there is the author’s noting their reluctance to speak of details of horrible events.

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Susa, you HAVE explained your "reception" quite well and I'm in agreement with you. The eloquent and compassionate Cara, adds an extra human dose of genuine empathy and sympathy for the oppressed people in Palestine in this new Holocaust the world turns away from. Shame on the worthless U.N. for not intervening, but hey, the UN is part of the capitalist, Zionist and international banker cabal.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Cara MariAnna

It may seem like an odd take away from these stories, but this line left me shaking my head ... “I’m a U.S. citizen, but I can’t get to my own embassy in Jerusalem.”

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It's exactly one of the take aways. Israel treats U.S. citizens with a contempt similar to the way they treat Palestinians. We are their lap dogs who hand over weapons and money. They have no respect for U.S. citizens. They bully us around through the Israel Lobby. They own and control Congress and the White House. Our government serves their interests before our own. It's sickening and should enrage every U.S. citizen.

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You nailed it, Cara! Maybe people won't question my sanity when I say the Jewish people were the biggest winners of World Wat Two in spite of the Final Solution for some of them (which was totally wrong as the Nazis were crazy) and how they orchestrated so many wars, since the First World War and now, in the first quarter of this century. I do have empathy for honest and peaceful Jewish people who must be embarrassed by what their brethren are doing in Palestine and elsewhere. Philip Giraldi, PhD, who retired from working for one of the US intelligence agencies has written on these issues and his latest article should be a must read for every American who values the Bill of Rights to our often quoted but hardly followed US Constitution.Anyone interested in reading Giraldi's article, please go to: www.globalresearch.ca and scroll down to the article, titled:

"The Government Lies Just Keep On Coming: Critics and Peace Activists will be Arrested? "Outspoken against Genocide" will be Criminalized? by Philip Giraldi.

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Thank You for writing this and sharing it with us. Thank You.

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